Saturday, 3 April 2010


So I discovered these "Asian Ball Jointed Dolls"a few months ago, and I have to say I find them irresistible :o) I was thinking of buying a Barbie, because I wanted an adult-shaped doll to sew clothes for, but Barbie is just too small of a scale for what I want to do. You can't do a lot of detail in that size, not to mention that Barbie's body has a few too many sharp angles for most beginners to fit clothes to properly.

I was looking at some pictures online that this girl I know had posted recently, and ended up looking at pictures of her BJD's. I had never seen these type of dolls before, and they were cute, so I asked her about it. And lo and behold, there is this whole world of dolls out there, anywhere between 4 inches tall up to 31.5 inches tall! I put a couple of info links at the end of this post.

So I totally fell in love with Iplehouse dolls :)
First I was looking at the J.I.D. or Junior Iplehouse Doll(s), but had such a hard time choosing between "I" and "Tania", that I ended up not choosing either one.
I went looking around, and found something in the Y.I.D category, or Young Iplehouse Doll.

This is "Iris" :o)

These are her specs:

* Tall: 59cm
* Circumference of neck: 8.7cm
* Circumference of chest: 24.2cm
* Width of shoulders: 11cm
* Length from shoulder to wrist: 18cm
* Circumference of wrist: 5.5cm
* Length of back: 10cm
* Circumference of waist: 17cm
* Circumference of hips: 25cm
* Length from hips to ankle: 31cm
* From waist to tiptoe: 37cm
* Foot size: 6.8cm
* Eyes: 16mm

And apparently she comes with heel feet as an extra part, and includes a carrying bag and cotton coverlet, too.
I got her with the same light blond wig she has in this picture, because it is one of my favourites, BUT she can look good with pretty much any hair colour out there.
So I am going to get her also a chocolate brown wig, and a bright orange one.

I hear Iplehouse has a great reputation, for a high quality, great looking product, and excellent customer service. I will let you know as I gain more experience :o) But this is going to be my first doll! I am so excited. I am expecting her to arrive sometime around the end of May, 2010.

Iris is in the standard SD, 60cm-range doll. I am not sure what her aproximate age woudl be as per the company/sculptor/etc, but I think she can pull off maybe from 16 to 25 probably.

For basic info about these dolls, see "What the heck is a ball-joint doll?".
I think the nicest dolls are here
For clothes and things I recommend , they also make the Lusions Dahlia, which is the size of a real kid!
More links to come. There are so many!!!

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